
My opinion based on facts and I'm speaking out. Helping to bring the truth to light, to be informed and standing up to be counted.
Jokes, movie reviews and travel experiences, all in one blog.

Author's Note

Speaking my mind; my opinion based on facts as I understand them.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Usama Bin Laden, Hate Me

So the world is whirling with the news concerning the death of Usama Bin Laden.  Dancing in the streets, singing the National Anthem, yelling and chanting “USA,USA”.  But is it right?

Should we the people have killed him?  “WE”  Yes, I mean we, for we all have had at the very least a minute or two of joy and relief in our hearts upon hearing the news this tyrant was put down.  We have supported, at one time or another, for one reason or another, the extreme solution to a extreme problem.

But as Christians is it right?  I will not jump for joy or dance in the streets over the death of a person… any person no matter how evil, corrupt out to kill us… Christians, Catholics, or any other religious believers or non-believers.  Us meaning Americans, British, Africans, Spaniards, or any other nationality or countries citizens.

Am I glad that Bin Laden is dead?  God forgive me, yes I am.  But I will not jump for joy or dance in the streets.

Am I proud of our military, intelligence agencies and all of the other people that support, pray for and assist these people? Yes I am.  But I will not rejoice with songs for the death of this man.

Did our President finally step up and take action? Yes and I am proud that he did.  What President Obama authorized was what a real president of the USA would do in this case.  President Obama stood up and did what was right even if it meant bad feelings with Arab countries.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden was a necessary evil.  This does not finish the problem, but it does solve a portion of it.  This solution does show that the USA will not give up or stand down with there is a threat against US or our FRIENDS.

President Obama, there is a terrorist threat.  There is terrorism and it is nice to see that your administration is using that word again.  The killing of Osama Bin Laden is just the beginning of solving a problem, so keep solving the problem, don’t stop and don’t slow down.  Don’t pretend “terrorism or terrorist” is not a word or does not relate to a problem our country has and has had for many years.

And people, do not dance in the street celebrating the death of a person.

R martin

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Critical Thinking…Just Think

Part of the problem with todays society is that fact that younger generations are being taught not to think for themselves or to take everything they see and hear as fact.

This problem is increased with the inclusion of the opinions of teachers; instead of teaching the facts, they are allowed to include or teach what is really the teacher’s opinion, not fact, but their interpretation or political view.

With this mentality also comes the mind set of those thinking everyone and everything is owed to them; there is no reason for them to do anything themselves even rely on themselves. Taking responsibility is definitely out of the question, it is always someone else’s fault, but that’s okay, the non-thinking generations are thinking less and less each day. These non-thinkers will be taken care of, that’s what has happened to them in the past and will happen to them in the future…or so they think.

The non-thinkers will always get their way and if they don’t it is the other person’s fault. Non-thinkers are always an easy target for slight of hand speeches, the speak around, and double talk. If they are promised the world, they are all for it, especially if they don’t have to do anything for.

“I’m voting for Obama, he’s going to pay my rent”. This is a prime example of what the non-thinkers think of and wait for in life. Someone else will take care of me. These are also the same people that believe they should have the same thing you have. You get up each morning and go to work… five days a week. At some point you are able to buy that vehicle you always wanted. You work hard for everything you have in your life.

Non-thinkers would believe that since you have one, it’s not fair they don’t and they should get yours or have other buy one for them.

Non-thinkers are a socialist dream come true. Rhetoric will spew from their mouths and the non-thinkers will lap it up as if it was truth, fact and gospel. If it benefits them, the non-thinkers know for a fact that is the way it is.

Stop being a non-thinker and start thinking for yourself. Once you have accomplished the thinking aspect of this, start being a critical thinker, analyze everything, research everything, look for the documented proof. Then think some more as you open your eyes and mind to the real world around you.

R martin

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Fall of Egypt

The fall of Egypt is not the end of the trend for countries to turn against current government. People around the world are standing up for what they believe is their rights. Poor government is not an excuse for citizens to suffer. Poor government is the reason to stand up and demand changes.

We are fortunate here in the USA that if our government is not providing appropriate services for the citizens there is a way to change government. In 2010 we saw a drastic change in government by our voters. Now it is up to the new Congress to make changes "we the people" have asked for, demand and declared "ENOUGH!".

Not all countries, in fact most countries can not vote/demand change and force the government to attempt change.  In most countries demanding change often results in violence and uprising most commonly squashed by their current government.

By demanding change and requesting a say in government offices and government actions, isn't this part of what democracy is about?

Demand change!  Get active, vote for who you believe will do best, not based on political party.  Make your vote count.

R martin

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rambling On

A very busy day in news today. Three days we have listened and waited for news regarding Giffords and the rest of the survivors in AZ shooting.

However the disheartening issue of all this is the fact the rhetoric coming from all over, media, congressmen and women, and the clueless civilians that actually believe the rhetoric and tend to intensify it as if it touched them personally.
Unfortunately, there was a man with a gun that went on a shoot spree.  Unfortunately, people have died and some are wounded.  Unfortunately, I was not there to help tend to the wounded.  Fortunately, I know how to pray and I have and I will some more.
But stop the rhetoric. This is not a democrat issue nor is it a republican issue.  It is a people issue about Americans.

R martin