Part of the problem with todays society is that fact that younger generations are being taught not to think for themselves or to take everything they see and hear as fact.
This problem is increased with the inclusion of the opinions of teachers; instead of teaching the facts, they are allowed to include or teach what is really the teacher’s opinion, not fact, but their interpretation or political view.
With this mentality also comes the mind set of those thinking everyone and everything is owed to them; there is no reason for them to do anything themselves even rely on themselves. Taking responsibility is definitely out of the question, it is always someone else’s fault, but that’s okay, the non-thinking generations are thinking less and less each day. These non-thinkers will be taken care of, that’s what has happened to them in the past and will happen to them in the future…or so they think.
The non-thinkers will always get their way and if they don’t it is the other person’s fault. Non-thinkers are always an easy target for slight of hand speeches, the speak around, and double talk. If they are promised the world, they are all for it, especially if they don’t have to do anything for.
“I’m voting for Obama, he’s going to pay my rent”. This is a prime example of what the non-thinkers think of and wait for in life. Someone else will take care of me. These are also the same people that believe they should have the same thing you have. You get up each morning and go to work… five days a week. At some point you are able to buy that vehicle you always wanted. You work hard for everything you have in your life.
Non-thinkers would believe that since you have one, it’s not fair they don’t and they should get yours or have other buy one for them.
Non-thinkers are a socialist dream come true. Rhetoric will spew from their mouths and the non-thinkers will lap it up as if it was truth, fact and gospel. If it benefits them, the non-thinkers know for a fact that is the way it is.
Stop being a non-thinker and start thinking for yourself. Once you have accomplished the thinking aspect of this, start being a critical thinker, analyze everything, research everything, look for the documented proof. Then think some more as you open your eyes and mind to the real world around you.
R martin