Author's Note
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Chris Matthews Pulls the Race Card
First in the 2008 election year Whoopi and Matthews both hyped the media with accusations that the right was against Obama because he is black. Yet the first mentioned of his skin color was by this individuals. So who really is the racists? Or would that be reverse racism? Either way, not only is it poor judgment by these two but it is also a bold face lie to insinuate someone other than themselves have thought of this as a race issue.
Time and time again people abuse their position to knowingly distribute “their opinion” that is filled with misconceptions, lies and point blank false accusations. The purpose? To further their agenda, to spew their lies to an audience that will blindly follow, that wait with baited breath to be able to unknowingly perpetuate falsehoods against major targets. IE: Mitt Romney.
One thing Matthews forgot to include in his immature, willful lies of a rant and rave was any reference to Mitt Romney’s religious beliefs.
Again, more high school drama. Start a rumor that they know is false because of the damage it will do to the opponent or to gain support through falsities.
What happened to public figures being held to a higher standard? Oh, that’s right, it doesn’t count if the results will benefit President Obama.
R martin
For more about Chris Matthews rant/rave of falsehoods –> Read more:
Whoopi, Just The Facts Mama’
Why is it when someone has nothing to support their opinion and are NOT willing to listen to facts, they make up “facts” by saying only half truths or taking a subject and modifying to fit their opinion?
I am so tired of hearing just the half truths or only enough of the “facts” so that someone can use them to insinuate the facts stand for something they really don’t. It’s annoying, it’s the same as lying because the people knowingly do this and try to pass it off as “true fact”.
Are you really that insecure of your opinion and lack of knowledge that you have to lie? Some politicians do it all the time. Especially when the concerns an incumbent. Are they really that afraid of their challenger?
Worse, are the people these lies are being spoke to really that ignorant they can not read between the lines or at the very least can not look up the facts so they can be educated on a particular topic?
Worse yet, people in the public eye or in a position to reach millions of viewers/listeners knowingly twist the facts to make it appear that the person in questions is or was up to no good.
Mr. Romney used his religion as a reason not to be drafted, yet he supports a strong military. Sounds bad right? Mr. Romney was doing his 2 – 2 1/2 years of mission service required by his religion. What he was doing was providing assistance to people in France at a time of high turmoil. These people were not just French but also Americans and people from other countries that got caught in the middle of all the unrest.
Why are these politicians not being held accountable? I’m not saying it’s every politician or that politicians are the only ones’ that do this, because they are not.
Dear ole, sweet Whoopi is a perfect example. What is her secret agenda? Why would she purposely ask Mrs. Romney questions that she, Whoopi knew were incorrect? Is this JUST the way some people are so they can twist known facts to fit their mold? Is this so they can convince people the opposition is not fit for whatever position they are running for? This is not the first time Whoopi has done this. This is not the first time it has been heard of. What is so bad, (and they know people will bite on to it), people fall for this as fact. All Whoopi is did was to try to start a teenage drama she said, he said, immature, disrespectful, face slapping lies.
Grow up Whoopi! Stop telling have truths. Stop using your position to spread rumors, innuendos, and twisted facts. For once, tell the facts, all of the facts. Then give your opinion. The question should have been, “Was it right for Mr. Romney to stay in France preforming his religious requirements or should he have come home and served in the military?” Mr. Romney did the same as many Americans did…. they helped the world be a better place.
Now, what about the people that joined the Peace Corps or other government recognized foundations to avoid the draft? What about the people that joined the Peace Corps before the draft and were excused from serving because they were already serving the global community? Should they have been forced to leave the Peace Corps to serve in the military? Why is Whoopi not making issue with these people? Some of these people did/have become politicians.
R martin